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Organizing Chaos - 10.15.03

Whoa. I was looking through all my old papers/journals/drawings. I was a creative kid, but man was I depressing some of the time. And meglomaniacal.

I figure I don't have to take over all of the world, but some of it would be nice.

Subject shift. There are three foundational elements to me. My mind, body, and environment. Yes, that's a very western-civilization analysis, but you need to break things down in order to properly focus. So I figured since I'm crazy, I'll try and fix my body and environment.

Luckily my body is naturally healthy, sweating ambrosia, etc. So that will only need a regime of light jogging and gymage.

The environment? My room has areas that are so dense with paper they create gravitational eddies. Though I don't pack-rat everything, I do have an archaeologist's gold mine of chronologicly ordered crap. You can see my writing turn from SF, to stupid video game fantasy, to SF, to really depressed poetry. All the while I sprinkle grand battle plans and invention designs.

And in regard to these comics, yes, there was a girl. I was not the casualty, but a friend was. Poop to the females. On that note: If there are any busty physicists out there who are looking for a boyfriend, I'm free to hang out.

--Adrian Perez